Saturday, January 24, 2009


Is the day everything from ikea is delivered to my new dwelling space as well as my frantic rush to find a mover to move my mattress from NDG to De Loirmier. Everything has been so hectic of late and i'm consistently tired supremely early at night while the cold supresses my urges.

Anyways, who knew that milla jovovich made music. not me!

i'm so so excited to build furniture, place my lamps, and finally have an adult bedroom complete with a sloped back corner chair with large arms for reading. with that said, since i'll be living next to bridge and hopefully trekking to the local gym on an almost daily basis i should be a bit of an extrovert yet again. i'll finally have room to do my own reading, my own writing, and get a grip on this individual i've become.

i'm looking forward to the summer, just so i can get a bike out and enjoy the parks and have lunch in park lafontaine with a bottle of wine and a novel at my side.

i'll probably be having a small housewarming so look forward to that.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Aa long as we get out alive

I'm becoming elderly. i mean it. My knuckles are sore from that guitar hero phase we all went through and i can barely hold my alcohol. in fact the slightest toxin in my body is often turned into a strange and exciting adventure as it is metabolized and turned into an ill indicator of any part of me.

I'm headed out to drink wine tonight, i haven't been out since last week mainly because i fall asleep early and work hard, or hardly work, during the day but i keep usual hours, not my sadistic days without sleeping before. I've found this responsible side far more fascinating than anything else but it also makes me worry about the turn around our economy is taking. it makes me significantly upset that the Canadian economy relies so heavily on that of our bullying neighbour below who befuddled the whole world up. i wish these arbitrary numbers made sense to me. i lack the knowledge to understand how our economy will be better by 2010 if we continue to lay off thousands of workers who can no longer contribute to a growing and eventually prosperous economy. If someone could explain it to me i'd be more than thankful. I just dont understand how stimulating the economy requires so much money but their still firing people.

I also find it ridiculous that they're building new roadways when these new jobs could be spent building a magrail across the country or better public transport and more workers to plant trees, man recycle and compost trucks, and aid communities to be green as opposed to laying down cement and offering more space to the already disputed air polluters that are our gasoline engines. rehire your workers to build electric cars and sell them. destroy and recycle all the useless vehicles collecting dust and turn them into houses or raw resources. this buy buy buy mentallity is disgusting(and i'm so much a part of it.)

i speak with new individuals everyday who are optimistic about the human race turning around and making proper decisions but i am a pessemist and often reply to their conversations with, "i think we've overstayed are welcome. the earth already shrugs as off occasionally."

they better do something quick...

i will lay you down by lanters on the lake.

in personal bullshit. i've grown a strange call for closeness. it's vague but something is different.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

There is Too Much

There is too much going on in my life right now. i'm almost always busy or tired from being busy due to work, dinner plans, meetings, lunches, organizing plans, and generally trying my best to be responsible.

This post is going to symbolize some of the ridiculous events in my life simply by using a cartoon that is probably equally ridiculous.

the big news is that i will be living on ontario and de loirmier within the next 10 days if i can just figure out how to move my bed and my friend's van actually fits it. my migraine is killing me, i'll update this again once i have a chance to find new music, movies, and dinner spots very soon.

oh the cartoon is disney, 1943.

Friday, January 2, 2009


On my way to dinner at Sala Rossa i stumbled upon a young woman in great distress. her face was crimson with the evidence of assault and her shaking body proved that she needed someone, anyone, to be near her. on a busy street in an affluent neighbourhood one doesn't expect to find a girl around their same age thrown into a vehicle for an iphone. i sat with her till an ambulance came and offered to company for ambulance ride, the hospital, and whatever else she needed as i know how frightening it is to be left alone in those kinds of situations. i spoke to the police, the paramedics, and finally itzel over the phone explaining the tragedy of why i would be late for dinner.

I don't understand how such a thing happens and the majority of people just turn a blind eye or move on ahead. the street is always bust at 8pm, always, anyone could have stopped them or should have helped the girl immediatly. This diffusion of responsibility lead to the death of Kitty Genovese and i thought we had all learned a lesson by now. Following this incident i was approached by a young missionary within the metro to "save my soul," or ask me if i had "heard of Jesus Christ." I try and stay out of religious debates because i know many of my friends find strength in their beliefs where as i.. find strength in my disbelief. Anyways, i listened compassionately to his story and his goals in life and complimented him on his ability to hold so much faith and find so much love that he wants to share it. I Then ended that with, "i, unfortunately for you do not believe."
To which he replied inquisitevely and boundary pushingly so with a, "Why's that?"
"Because of thing i just witnessed and the catastrophes that our televised daily. It's personal... have a great holiday"

The night ended with a delicious bottle of moderately priced vino blanco and an assortment of Tapas beore the night was finished.

New years was a complete and utter mess. in the best of ways. i met so many strangers and yet knew many people at the same time to have a homey feeling at a fairly large party, the next day however lead me to believe i was dying as i had not felt that drained in 2 years. i was incapable of standing, walking, breathing, and eating only complicated matters.