It's finally my day off and that always means its my day to do laundry, clean my room, wipe down the kitchen, and probably sweep the entire place. The music generally varies but today it seems i shall be doing these chores to the wonderful flows of kid koala, the mystery jets, thievery corporation, nightmares on wax, tosca, and whatever else additives i push in throughout the day.
The business with opening a restaurant or cafe has slowed down a bit as our first location has been sold and i haven't had time to speak with my investor simply from an overload of work and the sheer amounts of exhaustion that persist within my body on a daily basis. That's not to say i'm not overwhelmingly healthy, i'm just overworked.
I've finally started cooking once again and what was once a rare event is sure to become a very popular and often occurring trick i'll play. In 2 back to back days i had constructed my very first whole wheat lasagna filled with tofu ricotta, steamed spinach, and sauced up with a caramelized onion marinara sauce i whipped up while franck read Dawkin's "The God Delusion." The day before i made bbq sauce from scratch and substituted collard leaves for swiss chard leaves and fabricated delicious wraps filled with beans and mushrooms with a side of fries. This weekend i suspect i will be making a tofu florentine or greek benedict simply because breakfast is one of the most wonderful meals to ever grace humanity.
I suggest everyone take a gander at the bohemian grove online to be truly creeped out and laugh as well. Nothing like President's and bankers sacrificing effigies of babies every year to really make you laugh at how ridiculous our society is.
Also, i know i don't believe in spiritual forces at work but i do believe in energy as that's all we are so let's use our collective energy to force this cold out of montreal. I can't deal. i'm pondering sepuku or building my own sacrificial alter on the patio out front. For real.
The music today is that i suggest everyone listens to 21 by the mystery jets or anything by the fruit bats.
Azeda Booth's "In Flesh Tones" is an interesting album as well.