Last night was a little bit too much for me. I think i realized it was going to be too much when i was cornered by 2 different strangers plowing into my life story while asking my age and clearly doing an absolutely horrible job of flirting with me. Indeed i could not deal with the abrasive voices of strangers sung loudly over the music so the shrill voices simply vibrated my cranium instead of conveying any sense of communication. I don't care how slippery your tongue is, in a bar you all sound like idiots, including me, with the constant yell conversation. I suppose that's what you get for standing against the wall of a bar with a drink in your hand.
However the night turned out swell as i ended up very randomly at a birthday party for people i did not know yet had a connection too. It turned out the apartment was that of a new friend's boyfriend and it made me feel a little less intrusive that way. the party ended up winding down at 7am after the cops came but was complete with an improv photoshoot as well as tons of dancing. i thank max for the heads up and dealing with my idiot phone calls.
It's been a lot of pictures lately, whether it's from the friendattack or nightlife magazine it seems josh is back in the eye of a lens i suppose. maybe it's a good thing? it could be a bad thing too. My blood is bubbling with the warmth and i'm not quite sure what to do about it and the vampire comments are flooding back. It's conceivable that i look somewhat vampiric without the rabies or horrible clothing but it's a little too much at this point. At this point i should look like an emalgamation of Ashton Kutcher, Pete Wentz, and random stereotypical vampire of the week boy. in which case i think i would look severely disabled and would probably never show my face in public again.
Tonight i plan on taking it very easy as i believe i may have a slight cold and plan on reading and watching italian cinema as well as "vicky cristina barcelona," if i can stay awake long enough. I'm proud that my tofu florentine turned out well, it's such a great thing to wake up too however having every single light on the stove blaring red at you is a tad overwhelming and frightening at first. I have never had that much going on in a kitchen at once. It was an hour well spent though.
I suggest everyone listen to Thom Yorke's new solo album. i just can't get enough and the friendly fires. Hypem that shit as usual because there will be no links for today.
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