Last night was pretty intense. It began with a lovely dinner with a side of tonic at au vivre followed by a disappointing walk along saint laurent where every bar was closed, had a weird vibe, or simply would not yet my younger friend in. We then stumbled into a fairly large line between a group of ugly, horrific speaking college kids who were obscenely loud and obnoxious and clearly had no idea that DISTILLERIE IS TOO SMALL FOR a group the size of a small South American Country. 2 seemed to be the perfect number as we managed to skip the line at au vivre and ended up making it into distillerie finding 2 bar seats and then orderin 2 drinks before taking pictures and enjoying our rather ginormous and delicious decadently destructive poweredout mojitoes. As the mojitoes began to take effect our heads were left bopping to music and our bodies felt keyed on by the sheer deliciousness of the booze. WE opted to try a second drink, this time an epically porportioned electric lemonade with far too much alcohol but just the right amount for 2 people to freshen up their infinite daze.
MY night was a lovefest, right up until leaving saphir where i made out, hugged, and gave many praises to many of my friends because i am kind hearted and warm souled once alcohol eats away at my icy exteriour amd infinitely Soviet World like walled off heart. However things would soon go sour as an individual persisted in following us mouthing off once our bar was left in our wake. Admittedly i talk back when i necessarily shouldn't and ended up bitch slapping an individual before getting hit and punching back multiple times before being tackled by another stranger. The next thing i knew their were fists from everywhere and i didn't know whether or not my punches were finding their targets or had just misfired and made me look like some insane rave tectonic dancer in the street. As the hits got harder i began kicking those who fell in the side and back to try and keep them down before accidentally kicking my friend in the ribs who had tackled yet another attacker. Simply i remember being pulled out by Jessica and told not to go back because i had been hurt. Apparently i had been bleeding a lot from my face but i appealed by saying "ALEX CANT FIGHT MY FIGHTS FOR ME!" and tried to get back before asking jess if i "looked sexy?"
i then proceeded to second cup wherei made friends with randoms in the washroom while washing my face before being cabbed home and then taken to the hospital where i waited 20 minutes and high fived doctors. This morning i was allowed to come in later for my shift once my coworkers saw the extent of my injuries and then the clients were angelic towards me with one to go as far to bring me homeopathic medicine. i then was told my a large group of customers that i was the nicest person in the world and thanked repeatedly for being helpful as i grunted at them from an over swollen lip and completely bashed in eye. alas tonight i shall do nothing upon nothing and sleep as late as i want tomorrow before work to rest my face.