Today was an absolutely fantastic day, that is until white death started raining down upon the ground. It wouldn't be so absolutely invasive had it not started to ACCUMULATE. I can't believe snow thinks it has the right to do that, but hey at least i wasn't trapped ina car for 8 hours on a snowy highway. Can we label snow an "International Terrorist" now. I think it does some pretty terrible things.
To make matters worse, after a great day buying and eating organic i found myself walking home from work with a bit of a twitter in my ear. No, no, not the pleasant ring-a-ding-ding of music but that of something rattling around within my 230 dollar pair of headphones. That's right folks, something is internally wrong with my headphones. I have to drag them back downtown and trade them in or order a newpair of my beautiful lovely AkG 530s. They are my lifeline, my lover, and my greatest friend as of the moment and i can not believe they have betrayed me too, like all things i give my all to.
Also Wall*E is equally cute the second time around and i wish all relationships could consist of conversations involving one word and tones. I have to jump out of bed in 6 hours to start another long and horrific day of work and my lunesta is starting to hit the spot. The spot that usually requires the comfort of someone else to sleep, or even emotional satisfaction, I on the other hand do not need such things and in fact often would rather sleep by my lonesome once the occasional deed is done.
So here's to wanting nothing more than to hold hands or make that special someone smile. Go away winter so i can keep being ice hearted , not icy on the skin.
Billie Holiday- When You're Smiling
Everything Chrissy said. Sexy headphones, by the way.
joshy whats lunesta?
p.s. its meaghan
lunesta is sleep medication, quite possibly one of the strongest available without going into tranquilizers.
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