Blogging is new to me and it's mainly meant to entertain myself as well as add some interesting music to the palettes of any of those who are reading it. This topic pertains to the event of my often floundering over beautiful barmaids like most guys. The only difference with barmaids is my incapability to talk to them unless particularly hammered or otherwise in a weird stupor. Mainly i feel as if it's all things they've heard before, mainly because they have, and even if my intentions are somewhat admirable i fear the inevitable scoff and eye roll.
So i suited up on Saturday night, not looking my best, and found myself being bombared by miniature water missiles from the sky. Upon finding refuge in a bar to watch our beloved Montreal Canadiens (under performing right now) we were served by a rather fetching waitress who acted not full of herself but played rather aloof. The point of this elaborate story is that i found myself slowly drinking myself to talking to her but never the less kept my tongue tight in it's mouth. However my eyes could not help but peer at her slimfitting jeans are tiny shoulders. The light fluff of her hair and her porcelain skin kept bringing my eyes away from the frosty ice and the moving puck but rather to her clavicles and strut. Alas i never grew the courage in my gut strong enough to make an absolute full of myself and found myself quite comfortable with another beer and some fatty fries to mark the beginning of what would be a very long night.
It's so much more fun to wonder about the possibilities than to know the consequences positive or negative sometimes. It's as if you waited years upon years for the touch of an admired one's lips and were met with dry, raspy, and awkward blowfish like kissing. How dissapointing would that be? Where would the fantasy go?
Anyways, it's frightengly cold outside and neverso more noticeable than at 6:35 in the morning as i rushed to work. So here's a song to stay somewhat warm too and think about those potential romances with bar staff that's probably already spoken for.
The Miserable Rich- The Barmaid's Canon
And here's something a tad more wintery
Jay Jay Pistolet- Holly
Salutations and stay warm
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