Now respectfully i do my best to speak french at work and generally pull it off very well, especially in the wee hours of the morning when the majority of clients are french and i'm by my lonesome. With that said, no doubt my english accent shines through and when i'm with friends i just refuse to speak french simply because i am too shy about it. However, some people are so blatantly anti-french canadien or anti any other language than english that it's absolutely disgusting. It's almost like xenophobia and i'm not talking about tourists. It maddens me because i often say out loud, "I wish i was born a french canadien," and i think people should respect the language as equally as english. Maybe not in scholarly pursuits but at least the social aspect of it.
Since that rant is over i would also like to scream at people that "Boccacino's" is a restaurant and there is no such sandwich called the "Boccacino Betty." The sign says Boccacini Betty and as far as i know no one really wants a chain restaurant between two slices of bread to munch on. If you order a "Boccacino Betty" and a tea i will specifically deficate on your face in my head. This is because i have no idea what kind of tea you are ordering if you simply say, "TEA." If you follow up tea with, "A regular tea," i often want to jump across the counter and lay one on when clients look at me like i'm stupid for asking what flavour they want. THERE IS NOT JUST ONE KIND OF TEA, THERE IS BLACK TEA, GREEN TEA, PERFUMED TEA, and HERBAL TEA, i do not know what a regular tea is for you.
With all of that typed out i would also like to write that i have never in my life been called a whore or skank so many times within a ten day period. I don't even know what i did to earn this kind of obuse from strangers and coworkers but apparently i reak of slut. Good God, even when i dress well and carry myself appropiatly people still view me as a whore. I don't get it.
Lastly, it's time for me to get another tattoo. I'm craving one like a crackfiend craves money to buy crack, so much that they will perform sexual acts for the means to afford their habit. This is very true and i'll slut myself out for the chance at a freebie ink session. I'm also somewhat taken by 2 clients at work. Both insanely gorgeous and both with epically stellar monumentally amazing smiles and eyes.
Now back to playing some Mirror's Edge.
Song for the Night
I hate December-Ivy
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