My recently readopted vegetarian inclination has started to flourish into that of a vegan. I've felt increasingly more and more healthy as i eradicated meat from my diet as well as milk. I've taken the next step of striking out the cheeses and eggs but am a tad worried for my once in a while breakfast excursions for my newly discovered omlette. Until 2 summers ago i never ate breakfast and the idea of eating the product of a Chicken's vagina seemed less than tremendously compelling.
Maybe i just don't want to eat things that come out of an animal's vagina or milksacks. How absolutely stupendous and articulate of me to type that sentence(ugh). In all seriousness the idea is absolutely disgusting and brings to mind a certain kind of bondage i have no interest in exploring. Some S&M freaks may get off to the milking of themselves or others but for the most part the process of milk drinking and production should stop and end at the baby. Eggs are an entirely different story but it's certainly taboo to speak about eating the placenta of a human(completely different i know, but still a vaginal product).
I find it bitterly cold outside and a headache has locked me inside of my humble domain where i have made a completely vegan meal consisting of fake chicken breasts, peanut teriyaki sauce, and freshly cooked thai rice. It's being consumed in a fine shell shaped bowl with of all things a fork. I am too lazy for the particularities of consuming mainly rice with two sticks at this moment.
With the cold weather and the decreased sunlight hitting our skins it's important to stay positive as our vitamin d levels start to drop to meager levels.
The Streets- Stay Positive
I can't believe you're going vegan and have been vegetarian, well, again! I'm shocked. Heresy, I say! Now I have to consume double the animal vagina products just to compensate!
Glad to hear you're healthy, buddy.
mmm christina i cook up a storm again. it's absolutely ridiculous how packed my fridge is with organic meat substitutes as well as all sorts of concoctions
jav eat as much vagina products as possible ahaha
at home saving cash! Horribly. I can cook for you there though
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