I am growing so ridiculously tired of older people trying on some level to communicate with me. It is somewhat appalling when a 58 year old tells me he is nothing but a grown up teenager while telling me the follies of my facial piercing. In fact, relating it to growing your hair long during your generation just takes away from what my nose piercing really means to me. Any sort of body modification that's visible or left hidden on my body serves more of a purpose than to differentiate myself from mass society or for style. As lame as it is, i only change my body to signify deep meaning or emotional growth or stability.
I am also fairly confused as to why random people wish to tell me their life problems, their sex lives, and then ask me advice. Simply put, i'm 21 and you should have more of an idea than a coffee shop employee about life. My sly grin may seem welcoming but underneath i'm buffeted with constant, "why? Why? why?" I wish i could just play dead sometimes and that subtlety wasn't lost in conversations.
Locking the door at work at 8 o clock being fed up with a rather homicidal door slamming open with the torrential wind lead to a funny excursion of energy as i had to lock and unlock the door for every client. that and dealing with a bell technician to fix a broken phone line when i have absolutely no idea what is going on makes my life comical. what was not comical in the least was the 2 absolutely stunning women who i chatted up for the majority of my shift and they once again made me want to go back to school for ALL the wrong reasons.
I met 2 people that beat lung cancer after smoking for 30 years and they showed me their surgical scars. don't get me wrong, i'm happy for your family and friends that you are healthy but i don't see how in any regards i'm supposed to take that. other than saying, "wow congratulations," like some push button response. my father says i've trapped myself in a role where i can't ever care about people anymore because it's what i believe is expected to me. i do my best to be nice, fun, compassionate but caring is a rather off-putting word to me. i've shed that skin.
In News,
George bush has amazing reflexes to dodge 2 shoes while in the middle of a speech without even thinking. he should have been an athlete, not the leader of the free world. the poor buffoon, i'm sure he laughed it off later but really, having shoes thrown at you during a press conferance is absolutely ridiculous. it's like a pie in the face. only worse because the journalist is now out a pair of leather shoes. How horrible for him, and not very forward thinking.
I don't know if any of you have seen the new Maple Leaf Foods ads about their renewed commitment to quality control and now it's their commitment. I don't understand why they didn't have all of these safeguards before. It seems redundant to cheer about the utmost safety and care your company is p

Song for the night
Bjork -It's in our Hands(RMX)
and for some reason i really want to go to a nu ravers or peer pressure event again....
it might have been the apartment party that sparked my interest again... damn you nick...
i miss you like no other.
it's actually josh
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