Step 1.
being perceptive and up front sometimes has horrifying consequences but i vowed to myself to never be deceive, screwed around with, or blatantly played for dumb. most problems could simply be solved by up front honesty. I don't ever get angry at situations if they're played properly,
anyways back to cooking delicious vegan food and dancing to 1930s-50s music. Work today had me singing along to 60s so i figure i'm working through my decades.
sound is
Ladytron- Destroy Everything.
look for it yourself i'm lazy tonight, i work too much and had absolutely no desire to be dealing with drama after having my face beat in.
Some people need to stop acting morally superiour and suffice to say you only judge people that horribly because you see part of yourself in those acts. We can always understand actions we are capable of doing and would rather push it away and say how horrific it is than to admit that they, themselves, are capable of such actions, if not more capable. more importantly, it's about respect and growing and few people seem capable of doing that even though they wear bigger shoes, or dress as if they are part of adult world without high school debauchery and anonymous tomfoolery or trickery. If people understood boundaries as opposed to jumped over them an individual could possibly maintain longer more fulfilling friendships and relationships as opposed to acting out the motions and reading dialogue from a preconceived script. i may not be so in charge of my feelings or actions but i am certainly become increasingly more distant to the state of affairs within a certain social tier. you don't see this happening in the lives of people who are furthuring themselves through education and even to some extent work and independant education.
there are more important things than the moment and their are consequences to acting how you feel. wre only live once, but it would make sense to make life a tad easier by understanding repercussions.
what are you, thirteen years old? you pretend you want to get rid of negative aspects of your life and all you do is act immature and try to destroy people who fucking love you. yes, he made a mistake, but everyone does. so stop being an arrogant prick, and don't try to give life lessons to folks as if you knew shit about life. you are the one who's walking away from this issue and repeating over and over the same words such as "up front" from one self-centered blog to another. nobody tries to fool you, because things don't always have to be only ABOUT YOU, or revolving around your little pathetic person. what if he loves her uh? what if she does too? well you've just ruined it by gossiping about it and telling people who didn't HAVE to know. you knew how ana would react even if she has no right to. she cheated on him a billion times before and you've never denyed her did you? it's not because you're not screaming something on top of your lungs for everyone else to hear that you are actually lying about it, or hiding it.
yes you are indeed dying in stupidity. i hope you choke on it.
well if they are in love they can totally deal with it.
still backhanded, and im not walking away, i just yell shit when im wasted which makes ME STUPID. obviously. only gossip i had was to ana, cause she asked me. i don't lie to her, the end.
well i found out cause someone told me, and that person was told by someone else, and so it goes. people talk. this shit is ridic.
i hope you know who this is.
i have no idea,
the choke on it line brings up memories though but im sure ive said that or written it to many people.
yeah im lame, immature, and my blog is narcissitic. i never claimed it wasn't. unfortunately i also wanted to talk about current events but i had a lapse of judgement and let myself go in the mode of written even-tempered word instead of my sometimes erratic, angry, and dramatic personification of events.
With that said, i confronted alex when i was drunk and the reason i was pissed is that somehow leaving a friend bleeding was less important than other duties. then i let it expand within my chest and then ana knew i was having ap roblem and suspected something and i don't have the heart to lie to someone who saw me in my worst shape possible.
i even apologized for bringing it up because then nothing would have happened, but i have a knack for airing dirty laundry and i have a knack for being despised for it.
the only wrong done to me was by a friend for 3 years and it all built up and swelled any other issues can be worked out or left behind between other parties. i mean it when i try and get rid of negative factors in my life, but it's oh so very hard when being surrounded by shadows.
i'm more flawed than anybody, i just htink common sense should apply, but obviously sometimes it doesn't and moments get the best of you.
satan said...
your so lame, possibly the lamest person i know. you think everything is about you all the time, and nothing else matters. im a little confused...do you think your j.c or something, everybody around you needs to come running, oh joshy boy ive done this, ive done that. nobody has to tell you shit...what kind of friend are you? you flip so fast, how can anyone trust you? im sure your not even able to answer this question, but how many chicks have you hooked up with that had boyfriend, or had previously dated a friend of yours. you own nobody josh, and you have no reason to be mad over any events that took place concerning this situation...you need to stop running your mouth about things that dont concern you. your going to be the one, and possibly the only one to feel the wrath of all of this...had you kept your mouth shut, this would have all blown over by now, and the people involved would have figured this out with out your mixed nothings in thier ears.
so shut up, nobody wants to hear your shit.
it's true everything is about me all the time and i own every one.
its already blown over for me and i don't know what kind of wraith it is i'm supposed to feel.
it's why i take care of people when they get sick or come rushing when there's a problem but yep, every single thing is about me.
i'm a total douchebag, sorry if i've misled anyone to think otherwise?
As for running my mouth, i only said anything to 2 people and whatever came of that happened. people should just move on, you can bash me to my face for being... wrong. at least i say things to people's faces and not through vague livejournal/blogger accounts.
im really easy to find, you can bash me whenever you want. the issue is over for me(selfish yep) and it sucks that i brought up in an emotional state mainly because i thought my bestfriend was being a shitty friend.
but yep, im a shitperson.
pretty sure i can finish whatever shit i want. whether it ends poorly or well for me is part of the fun.
i don't know how SO many friend have been lost?
last i checked i still have the majority of my friends because the majority of my friends know me. the blow up on alex was a 3 year long time bomb that the pin had finally been pulled on.
i don't even have the same friends as alex and i often would rather frequent other places because i hate being stagnant. please stop using blog aliases for the only purpose to bash me make me feel some "wraith" i own up to my contributions, negative or large so i'm fairly certain a wraith isn't going to change my life right now.
more important things to worry about, as much as it seems like an selfish act for me. not once did i say anything bad about anyone but alex, and after that my attention was immediatly put else where, where i saw someone in pain.
anywho i don't know who either of you are for sure and you're welcome to continue to attack me through this, i however will probably not be replying because i cease to wish to understand how by any means i am a shitty person to nameless faces. and im pretty sure one these nameless faces knows exactly how unselfish i am....
don't do things half assed....
oh and
for any sort of suspicion that whatever i said involved staging people in roles due to "messytalk in ears" or whatever not once did any thing come out of my mouth that consisted of anything negative.
only negative thing out of my mouth was that night, and the main issue has nothing to do with any of you except it sparked 3 years in an instant. sorry you got dragged in, sorry i felt i needed to be honest, sorry i don't really enjoy the whole secretive shit in friendship groups.
i might sleep with people who have boyfriends and had any boyfriend asked the truth would be told..... its not worth it. lalaa,
Satan is a fucking cool screenname though, i don't really understand why you choose that. my atheist roots find it more hilarious that you express to represent your anger through such a name. go lucifer, rebel cause
for the record, Josh doesn't think he's J.C.
Jesus Christ?
More like Jason Cohen, bitches.
The Lord sayeth unto man, "Lo do I send to thee the gift of Jav, that he may consume thy liquors and mock all thy many faults."
I love internet drama, I really do. Someone posting anonymously to attack someone online, calling the other person a child! I love it!
Also: there is a difference between "your" and "you're". Grammar, kids.
Simple fact: If you don't want people gossiping, DON'T GIVE THEM SHIT TO TALK ABOUT. If anyone needs to grow up, it's the people who are naive enough to think their skeletons stay hidden.
But he's a narcissist and a douche bag and he will feel your wrath! Oho, yes, he will feel it!
i wish i could tell you who i am, not only am i a close friend of yours but a close friend to most people you know...ive heard alot of bad things about you the past week or so..you have caused yourself alot of trouble for something that had nothing to with you..its over now. and the only person people are still talking about is you. the way you acted at saphir the other night with ana. the way you turn on friends in a second..josh you think people are your friends and you can trust them, but your wrong. the way you acted at saphir the other night as well as saying things on this blog and other places have people saying bad things about you, staff and others...you should be careful who your bad talking your friends to. its just funny, because you have no idea who this is...and yet we will most probably see one another this week.
your a piece of shit.
go eat your moms vulva
haha natasha, if only you knew all the bad things josh has said about you. like really mean things, uncalled for, horrible mean things. the worst part is he talks about all this "true friends"
i would list some of the things off, but i dont want to hurt you natasha, your a nice girl and you shouldnt let josh use you and humiliate you like he does...
and i'm pretty sure natasha and i humiliate each other on a daily basis.
put both of us together for a significant amount of time and i get angry at her and then tell her i love her.
We're both crazy, i don't think any of you can understand that.
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