The newspaper was somewhat uninteresting today and waking up to get to work by 6:30am was a bigger struggle than usual. Thankfully my ipod accompanied me as i jogged in the snow before the sun was up to get to work before being somewhat disorganized with my opening shift, bothered by landlords, milk delivery men, and my extreme fatigue left me with a rather warm spot inside that enjoyed watching people slip and slide their way into the store to find some sort of refuge from the ongoing snow storm outside. The clients were much more enjoyable today but i lethargically kept a slow and even pace while taking orders simply because i was day dreaming about possibilities and minor satisfactions or indulgences.
The oddest feeling of the day was slight tempering of the waters around my emotional core, but i assume it was simply from the snow and the secluded feeling that permeated the store s the ceiling dripped and i joked around with those who also found themselves half frozen and dying for warmth. the snowtorm is so incredibly pretty, if somewhat foreboding, and brings to mind certain movies like "Serendipity" or other cornball romances. i like the untouched snow and the distance from other people whilst trudging through the snow with brow down as everybody tries to keep it out of their eyes. we're much more cut-off in winter but excitingly places of warmth find a new cozy feeling.
All i want to do is curl up on the couch with merlot wrapped ina quilt with good music on the speakers and my own heartbeat slowly thumping along to guitar and violin chords. Neil Hamstead is killing me right now, his new album is absolutely stunning and leaves me swooning left and right like a small pine caught in a windstorm. It's so weird how music is the one thing that can make me feel "love" anymore. the slight tingle in my spine and the upward point of my chin. i love dancing or singing along behind the cash while making lattes. doing the twist to 50s music or just swaying to low-fi acoustic sets. music, i find, is the last thing i can feel intimate with and love towards.
Yet again, i apparently give the most amazing hugs affectionately overwhelming and comforting but i don't know why. i'm getting so very bony again so it can't be mass, i'm simply assuming it's the warmth that wants to come out.
In the weird and strange, a man was caught with over 1000 stolen packages and letters in his house, most unopened, he just horded them. what a dick! Numerologists are also saying that Obama won't be around to run for a second term and that i's absolutely horrible.
Anyways, music for the day
Faunts-Feel. Love. Thinking. Of.
1 comment:
imagining you twisting to 50's jams making me a latte is quite possibly the most comforting image that's come to mind in a long time!
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