I am completely physically and emotionally wrecked. My body can't even prop itself for longer than 30 minutes after the heavy duty amounts of work i've been doing. The exam season has certainly gave J-U ridiculous amounts of fluttering bird like students frantically rattling papers and typing on their laptops for last minute papers and exam crams. The scholarly challenge has proved to crack some of the clients as they have begun to ask me if caffeine is good to study with. The answer is no, simply no. You're just speed reading as opposed to absorbing but then i wouldn't make ANY money now would i.
Upon waking up this morning i immediatly mumbled a rather vulgar italian swear and began to shiver at the lowered temperatures and frosty floor. Stretching my back out, i lurched awkwardly to the bathroom before adorning my hoody, long jacket, toque, and a pair of grey pin striped slacks. Slacks are far more comfortable than skinny jeans and indeed make moving around a ton easier. Freedom is the word i am looking for. The oddest thing was that my arm was covered in my blood, but i figure my eye scab just fell off, at least i hope.
We're back to being understaffed at Java-U which means less time for my morning indulgence(reading the paper) and more running around ignoring the more pretentious clients while making jokes and flirtations with the more friendly and appealing clients. Today was particularly bad as i found myself exhausted from the lack of any sleep thanks to a rather hectic week spent taking care of a friend while losing others and healing my face. Every single day i see and make conversation with students i find myself longing to be back in there, moving towards something with a purpose and commitment stronger than i could have carried without this work expierence.
Taking time off is a very smart idea.
Yesterday's snowstorm left a sour taste in my mouth but spending an hour at Ben and Jerry's with lovely faced starbucks employee made the day somewhat better and today's large thank you to a long shift was a customer bringing me a glass of rich red wine simply because i "looked like i needed it" and the bank tellers being especially nice to me on the fact that my eye is finally looking normal again. My coworker also bought me delicious snacks from the organic grocery store upon seeing how absolutely tuckered and worn out i was. today was back to being lovely, no hateful words, or vindictive ill will.
Finally, Al, a regular at J-U told me his million dollar idea and i think it could very well work out and i love having even-handed yet opinionated discussions with him about human behaviour and societies state. Today a new client spent 10 minutes discussing stocks with me and i hope he becomes a regular too because his conspiracy theories are absolutely magnificient.
I hope everyone exercised that right to vote today. i did it on my way to Natasha's to get my lovley AKGs and ever important ipod back and am fairly excited for good eats wednesday followed by good eats next week with yet another amazing person. Thursday's coffee meet should go particularly well,
I hope everyone is having a great beginning of their week. i think everyone needs good wishes and welcoming thoughts. we tend to be so very selfish and introverted during the holiday season due to the increased melatonin levels within our brains. if only we all had those vitamin d lamps.
Oh, and my older women came in yet again today to look absolutely stunning and have me fall slightly all over myself at work whilst speaking to her and her mother. her eyes are like ice fire and her style is more sophisticated than most. i may have a tad bit of drool on the side of my mouth but she certainly keeps me entertained.
Fujasaki- Poets Dying
it can be found to download by an alphabatized list...
Golden Animals- Try on me
1 comment:
i enjoy reading your posts, josh. hopefully you remember who this is. i also hope you are feeling better with all the cuts and bruises.
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